Another start to a new school term. Thinking back, i had been so busy over this holiday, with eid n intersem taking over the majority of the time. Then last week went to work at the singapore garden festival and knew some new friends there. It was fun working with them as majority of them are only 19 yrs of age, making me feel young Although they keep calling me lao ren, i can only say that time has catch up with me as i was no longer the young boy of the past who was full of vigor and zest,so have to admit i am really old. Anyway took some pictures at the exhibition there, which i find that some were really nice~
I am who I am, i guess.
Not many people tell me what to do.
I love to do things my way.
Outgoing? Maybe.
Friendly? I dunno, but frds say i am.
Love to bend certain rules.
Everyone does eh?
Love to eat.
Love to eat.
And eat.
this is certainly one of the pleasures in my life.
"As people grow, the amount of responsibility grows. there is more to things that you dont see in the past and the picture of the future tends to appear more often without you knowing. Babies are free of worries. You see them, running around that corridor, shouting for positive and crying for negative. I like to be like them. Who dont?
As people grow, the mindset starts to change. We are more aware of ourselves and how we look. We wants to look good and are worry about how people sees us in personality and in appearance and that often lead us to think that we are living in a world of hidden masks.
As people grow, friends get lesser and more loneliness merge in. It is part of the growing process and we have to be more independent. I am still trying to adapt. To be more independent and fit into this unescapable phrase of life.
I want to remain young and it seems impossible."
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