What a night it turn out to be, never thought that singapore do have so many singing talents around... haha... i happen to have tixs for the concert at the indoor stadium yesterday, so went for it.. to my delight, i was shocked to hear some great singing from the two project superstar final contestant, daren and diya...they each simply got a great voice as they shook the whole stadium with their vocal and charm..among the two, i personal do like daren more, maybe because his voice resembles bit of jay chow.. and as the results turn out, he won...haha.. i just got the feeling that after this, people are sure to compare him with chen weilian, to see who is better & needless to say, i tink most prob pple would choose daren as he is certainly more all rounded than wei lian.. but being fair to weilian, he does have a touching voice, one that could melt any heart...as for that night, really enjoyed the performance, cheers to the two finalist, u two rox...

1 comment:
Hey PS!!
Wonderful pictures you posted la, nicely taken.
Update more regularly leh, so I can come take a look regularly.
Haha, happy new year ah!! Huat ah!!
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