So what am i doing this weekend? needless to say, i am tied down by work again... oh gosh, it really sucks to be working on a weekend.. today met a few "weird" customers.. the most 'memorable' would have to be the old Indian auntie... she was a regular in the shop.. being notorious for her fussiness, she was shunned away by all my colleagues... and so, today i was the unlucky one, being forced to help her legs just underwent operations, she said she had to sit down first..and so she just sat there like dua peh gong and expect me to show her the products she wants... i was patient with her at the beginning, explaining to her in a nice tone, but when she enquires about discount for it, that's what really makes my blood boil... that is because she insists that she was a regular of the shop and expects to get more discount.. but according to the policy, all members are entitled to only 15% discount, no more than that.. and so when i said no to her request, she said that i duno anything and ask me to get my supervisor to come... but as expected, her request was refuted.. unable to get more discount, she only bought one set of fitted sheet.. however,the story does not end here.. just as she was about to leave, she asked me to help bring the fitted sheet down to the taxi stand.. hello!! how heavy is that lol?? but being in the service sector, its always a yes for a answer... i feel so much like her slave la, being boss around.. really hate that kind of feeling.. but i shall ren for another few weeks as school is going to reopen soon in Aug..
however my day was not all about evil people.. i also met a cute xmm (xiao mei mei).. do not be mistaken, this xmm that i am referring to is only 5 years old.. she is so ke ai la...the xmm was left in the shop under my care as her mum went to put the stuff in her car.. so in the meantime, i have to stand in as her nanny, and keep her entertain la.. luckily she was very obedient, just sat there and not giving me any trouble...

she is so cute right?? =D